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Mulalley is a private (family) owned family business with a turnover in excess of £150 million per annum. Mulalley is part of the Sherrygreen Group of Companies. Mullaley see Quality, the Environment, Energy, Safety, Health and Training as the key to the Company’s success and are at the forefront of developments in the Industry.

Servis Facilities were contracted to provide security and traffic management services to their Mulalley & Co's new regeneration scheme.

The Challenge

The redevelopment will provide 517 apartments and family houses for private sale, shared ownership and social rent with associated parking and landscaping. The project includes the design and construction of six commercial units, a community center and an 80-bedroom hotel. An on-site energy centre will replace the existing district heating system and will provide social, community and private properties with power and heating. This avoids the need for each property to have an individual boiler and is an efficient, environmentally friendly way to generate heat.

The Servis Solution

As a proud partner and supplier to Mulalley & Co, we were brought on board to provide SIA security operatives and traffic management solutions to aid business objects and meet deadlines.

The Response

Servis are proud to support Mulalley & Co in achieving their business objects through securing and managing facilities as efficiently as possible. Our highly trained team are on hand 24 hours a day to help with any requests or concerns. They take great pride in offering a service that’s personal, attentive. experienced and most importantly visible.







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